Is Honey Gluten-Free? Find Out and Stay Safe!

Is honey gluten free?

The simplest answer to whether honey is gluten-free is a resounding Yes. Honey is a natural product made by bees who collect nectar from various flowers, converting it into the golden, sweet nectar we all love.

However, honey is inherently gluten-free, and the story doesn't end there. If honey is combined with gluten-containing products like bread, cereal, or oats, it no longer remains gluten-free.

In this blog, we'll explore the composition of honey, how to ensure your honey is truly gluten-free, and why this matters, especially for individuals with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Does Honey Contain Gluten?

Gluten is a group of proteins found mainly in wheat, barley, and oats. It gives dough elasticity and helps it rise and maintain its shape. Honey, on the other hand, is composed of natural sugars (fructose, glucose, and sucrose), water, and trace amounts of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Honey does not contain gluten. However, it's crucial to check that the honey you purchase is free from contamination during processing or packaging, especially if it’s processed in facilities that also handle gluten-containing products.

Honey for Coeliacs

The fact that honey is gluten-free makes it a safe choice for individuals with coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder where ingesting gluten damages the small intestine. For these individuals, consuming gluten-free foods is essential.

Manuka honey, in particular, is a fantastic option for coeliac patients, not just because it's gluten-free but also due to its numerous health benefits, including its ability to improve gut health, reduce symptoms like bloating and stomach pain, and provide a natural boost to the immune system.

Is All Honey Gluten-Free?

Yes, all honey starts gluten-free since bees produce a natural product. However, some factors could potentially introduce gluten into honey:

Bees Collecting Nectar Close to Agricultural Fields:

Bees may travel long distances to collect nectar, and if they forage near fields of wheat, barley, or other grains, there's a slight risk of contamination. Therefore, it's important to consider the source of your honey. Monofloral honey, like Manuka honey, is generally a safer choice as it's collected from a single type of plant, reducing the risk of gluten contamination.

Packaging Process:

The packaging process is another critical factor. Honey processed in facilities that handle gluten-containing products could be cross-contaminated. To avoid this, choose honey packaged in dedicated gluten-free facilities or raw honey, which is less likely to be contaminated.

Criteria for Gluten-Free Honey

To ensure your honey is truly gluten-free, consider the following criteria:

Presence of Methylglyoxal (MGO):

Manuka honey is renowned for its high MGO content, which gives it potent antibacterial properties. When selecting Manuka honey, look for UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) grading to ensure quality and purity. A high Methylglyoxal (MGO) level indicates a more potent honey, which is gluten-free and packed with health benefits.

Consistency of Honey:

Pure, raw honey is usually thick and viscous. If your honey is runny or too smooth, it may have been processed, increasing the risk of gluten contamination.

Natural State of Honey:

Natural, raw honey is typically opaque. If the honey is clear and has a syrup-like consistency, it might have been filtered or processed, which could introduce gluten.

Health Benefits of Gluten-Free Honey

For individuals with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity, gluten-free honey is not just a safe choice—it’s a beneficial one. Honey is antioxidant-rich, helping to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. It’s also antimicrobial, making it great for gut health. You can easily incorporate honey into your diet as a natural sweetener, add it to your tea, or use it in baking to enjoy gluten-free treats.


In conclusion, honey is inherently gluten-free, making it a safe and beneficial addition to the diet of anyone with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity. However, ensuring that your honey is free from contamination is crucial.

Always check your honey's labels, ingredients, and source before purchasing. By doing so, you can confidently add honey to your daily routine, enjoying its natural sweetness and myriad health benefits without compromising your health.


Q: Can individuals with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity add honey to their daily routines?  

A: Yes, they can safely add gluten-free honey to their daily routines.

Q: What is the criterion for gluten-free honey?  

A: Pure, raw honey tends to be gluten-free. Look for honey that is viscous in consistency and opaque in appearance.

Q: Is natural honey gluten-free?  

A: Yes, natural honey in its raw form is gluten-free.